The challenge is we are wanting to ensure that the crafters and farmers are properly compensated for their quality and authentic work, or ethically sourced raw ingredients, while still providing affordability to the U.S. Consumer. Many do not realize that shipping costs across an ocean can be so expensive until you really begin to research it. We strive for transparency in all that we do.
We already have several items on the website from Requiem Ghana: Agyo Moo Organics & Supplies, but like the items from the Requiem Kenya: Nairobi Marketplace, they are shipped to the customer direct from Africa. Currently we are not in the position that many large corporations can take advantage of - shipping mass quantities by sea and the distributing the items, which then includes the initial shipping fees in their price to the customer.
Once we have this figured out, along with how to incorporate the shipping rates off this shopping platform (shout out to Christofer at Wix Customer Service and the hours he spent on the phone with me Friday Morning), we will send a notice out to our subscribers.